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Thursday, May 15, 2008

yesterday me and karen went to our site after the lecture lesson to take pictures to get inspiration of what to do next for my im stuck on my device lor... er... put it in a way that a 3D model graph that can play with it[play with model itself] lol... so we walked lor...
found out some toilet was well-decorated and designed. they created a warm atmosphere inside the TOILET!! haha...

random pics...

raffles hotel's basin... GOLD TAP!!

design of the light is cool and unique...
look so improportional to the whole shop but it stands up the most.

another toilet...
the lighting...


toilet bowl...

and ...


US with geek spec[s]... haha!!

random pics taken when we were at the playground at the top level of bras...where popular was.


can u spot 2 people sleeping there?lol...

thurs [ 15/05]
we had today. and my model device was a crap. i dont know what im presenting.. i anyhow did the device model and whacked my way through as i was the last few to present.
WA... i had to do big model out lor... can you image A2 or A1 and make into a model? going crazy!!
zalina lesson was cancelled and sannie's lesson was brought forward to 2pm instead of 4pm. ended lesson at around 3 plus and some headed to AMK to shop around and headed home around 7 plus.
some pics were taken when in class...

ah ma with geek spec...haha!!
yvonne... chun gu!!
our gay teacher who scolded 'F***'
he was so scary and made us felt stressed and made us cried alot too...
that y i dun wan to go to his lesson tmr... lol!!
see his action... SO GAY!!
huifen playing her volin when she presenting... so cute!! she compose her own melodies...

such a long post.
and i shall end my post here...
go do other stuff...
tmr is our SID 0702 happy day...
sure will get off the suay-ness. haha...

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