some brought lappy to school to do their work there...
do until eye tired!!
spend the few hours doing...
feel like sleeping.. sian!!
then we start using my lappy to take pics to relax ourselves...HAHA!!

my daughter and nv xu ((:
loves (:

huh? siti with long hairs? extension??

act one angry one ((:

morning lesson had already finish..
but dont seem like we had lecture lesson today..
he didnt come in for lesson...we waited till 1330 then we lefr the lecture hall. a noob ok!! a noob ok!!
haha..and something bad happened!!
i dont wish this to happen de...
hope everything will be fine and turn back to normal ((:
actually wanted to go out at night de... someone dont allow me to go out...SIAN!!
argh... just dont understand why??